
TheTrueDepthcameracapturesaccuratefacedatabyprojectingandanalyzingthousandsofinvisibledotstocreateadepthmapofyourfaceandalsocapturesan ...,2017年11月9日—三角定位原理,通過發射特定圖形的散斑或者點陣的雷射紅外圖案,當被測物體反射這些圖案,通過攝像頭捕捉到這些反射回來的圖案,計算上面散斑或者點的大小 ...,TheTrueDepthcameraprovidesdepthdatainrealtimethatallowsyoutodeterminethedistanceofapixelfromth...

About Face ID advanced technology

The TrueDepth camera captures accurate face data by projecting and analyzing thousands of invisible dots to create a depth map of your face and also captures an ...

iPhone X 的TrueDepth Camera — 體感時代來臨?

2017年11月9日 — 三角定位原理,通過發射特定圖形的散斑或者點陣的雷射紅外圖案,當被測物體反射這些圖案,通過攝像頭捕捉到這些反射回來的圖案,計算上面散斑或者點的大小 ...

Streaming Depth Data from the TrueDepth Camera

The TrueDepth camera provides depth data in real time that allows you to determine the distance of a pixel from the front-facing camera. This sample ...

What is a TrueDepth camera? All about the iPhone ...

2022年9月5日 — The TrueDepth camera works by projecting thousands of invisible dots onto your face and analysing them to create a depth map of your face. The ...